HealthMED Journal

HealthMED is an Open Access print and Online peer-reviewed Journal and an interdisciplinary publication for the general, preclinical and clinical medicine, as well as health insurance and public health. The journal is published both in Print and Electronic format and presents original papers and case reports on medicine, nursing, health care, physiotherapy, physical medicine, radiology, cardiology, etc

Publisher Information: Society for development of teaching and business processes in new net environment in B&H
Frequency: 4/year
ISSN: 1840-2291
e-ISSN: 1986-8103

Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
Open Access and copyright

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The journal is published both in Print and Electronic format and presents original papers and case reports on medicine, nursing, health care, physiotherapy, physical medicine, radiology, cardiology, etc

Publishes issues from general, preclinical and clinical medicine, as well as health insurance and public health. The journal is published both in Print and Electronic format and presents original papers and case reports on medicine, nursing, health care, physiotherapy, physical medicine, radiology, cardiology, etc.


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HealthMED and its papers have been indexed/tracked/covered by:

Index Copernicus, SCImago Journal and Country Rank, Academic Resource Index, Genamics, Journal Seek, World Cat, Research Gate, and Sagner Kubon OPAC, HINARI (WHO - World Health Organization), Open J-Gate, Google Scholar, British Library, Medical Journals Index (MJI) etc.